Living only because we are alive

Why live only because you are alive?

I sit and wonder how we as a people, have gone from being a free roaming people, to a group in drudgery; where if Homo sapiens sapiens would look upon us now, they would kill themselves off because they couldn’t bear to see themselves in us! Is it fear which we submit to, to not live within our own wants or even needs? I wonder, when did life get traded, from the carefree, to the careful?

Are we being as careful as we can only to live an extra year, month day longer than our forefathers? Are we that afraid of finality that we roll into a ball and submit to the wishes of those who promise everlasting hope and a pocket full of coin? What of our natural side, do we curl away from it like flesh from a fire?

I want to run naked in the woods, and eat from the margins, I want home to be the next shady spot in my journey toward the horizon. I want to be mystified in wonder of it all and want only what I need.

Aaaa! but it is all too late, we are kept-creatures, living week to week, in fear of a global recession, worrying about the cable bill and hoping and wishing our way through life. What a sad sight we are, clothed in shame and mannered to not offend, if it were not for our hair on our heads you would think us alien to this environment, this place of plenty and pleasure, all going to waste because somehow somewhere we made a left instead of a right ,and now we are doomed to conflict for pride and violence because of fear…

Stuck between greed and fear, it has us both coming and going and we are too damned dumb to know it!

Published by Mailmandeliver

I am nothing , no more than you! I have nothing I can call anew, none of these thoughts are of my clever mind only writing what has not been written , what be the limited combination of you limited abilities of expression...I simply lay my thoughts in this parking place, and hope you enjoy them in their ill grace. My name is unimportant, since I am sincerely uninterested in fame. What I can say is until late I could not read nor write above a 3th grade level, I can also say, up until my break from youth that I was a hateful person who despised all that was unlike me, in Color of skin , beliefs, relationships and so on. By my fathers mind yoke upon me did I twist nervous and confused! One day I broke away, wings I spread and flow into the uncharted. Out from under I came into the open, i shook my pockets and with bits and pieces, shiny and flat did I book a new journey, cut a new path, happily I found myself. I am my former self only in name, the rest of my birthright has been smashed into the miner’s clay, but a fossil! So accept what I pen here as the written word of the combined experience given and due earned by a man with no starting point and with no finish line in vision... I am but on a journey with no start point or destinations, only but to not live by any belief that I find to be wrong, to understand more each time I am consciously aware... To live as I solely see fit, to respect the only laws that matter, being fair play & cause of effect... Read these lines if you please, judge me if you wish or need, I do not ask you to do anything but digest what I feed, and take it with you as energy towards your next future further steps... learn, wonder disagree or nor understand... I humbly ask but for you to allow my mind to affect yours, what be the reaction... I ask not for your respect fanfares anger be what induced, that only you give me that time it takes to start and finish what thoughts I offer!

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